
PyGotham 2019 welcomes attendees with disabilities and strives to be inclusive and accessible.

Getting there

See Venue for general information about the Hotel Pennsylvania.

Wheelchair accessibility of venue

The main talk tracks for PyGotham 2019 will be using rooms in a single floor within the Hotel Pennsylvania, accessible by elevator. Additional rooms, including the speaker ready room, are located on another floor, and may be accessed by elevator. All PyGotham 2019 rooms are step free/wheelchair accessible.

Hearing accessibility

A PA system will be used when attendees are gathered together.

Some social events will involve unamplified small and larger group discussions which may be difficult to hear if you cannot hear conversation in typical meeting environments.

PyGotham is pleased to partner with White Coat Captioning to provide CART (Communication Access Realtime Transcription), otherwise known as live captioning, for all talks on all tracks in 2019.

Additionally, PyGotham is pleased to partner with LC Interpreting Services to provide live American Sign Language interpreters for all talks on all tracks in 2019.

Vision accessibility

In most sessions within PyGotham 2019, material will be presented via projection.


If you have accessibility questions or require additional accommodations, please email us at

(Accessibility info template reused from AdaCamp toolkit, CC BY-SA.)

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